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Competitors are to perform two Kyokushin Kata (mandatory and optional) assigned to their corresponding divisions.

Competitors are required to:

  • Bow in as they enter the ring
  • Stand in the ready position
  • Bow to the front on the referees command "shomen ni rei". The participant will bow to the front
  • The referee will raise then lower their hand
  • The participant will state their name and the Kata
  • The participant will begin performing Kata
  • The participant must stay in bounds while performing Kata
  • Once the participant has completed their Kata they will return to their starting position and face the referee in ready position, then wait for the Judges decisions
  • Once the officials scores have been tallied the Referee will once again say "shomen ni rei" the participant will bow to the front then step straight back and bow out as they leave the ring.
  • Top 3 competitors from Preliminary round will compete in the final


The top 3 competitors from each division with preliminary round will compete in the finals

Division 1: All White Belts - (8 Years & Under)

  • Final - Kata Sono Ichi (Only one Kata performed)

Division 2: All White Belts - (9 – 12 Years)

  • Preliminary - Kata Sono Ichi
  • Final - Kata Sono San

Division 3: All White Belts - (12 Years & Over)

  • Preliminary - Kata Sono Ichi
  • Final - Taikyoku Kata Sono Ichi

Division 4: Orange Belt - (10th & 9th KYU)

  • Preliminary - Taikyoku Kata Sono Ichi
  • Final - Sokugi Taikyoku Kata Sono San

Division 5: Blue Belt - (8th & 7th KYU)

  • Preliminary - Sokugi Taikyoku Kata Sono Ni
  • Final - Pinan Sono Ni

Division 6: Yellow Belt - (6th & 5th KYU)

  • Preliminary - Yantsu
  • Final - Tsuki no kata

Division 7: Green Belt - (4th & 3rd KYU)

  • Preliminary - Pinan Sono go
  • Final - Gekisai Sono Ni

Division 8: Brown & Black Belt

  • Preliminary - Gekisai Sono San 
  • Final - Saifa

Division 9: Open - Yellow Belt & Higher - (13 - 39 Years)

  • Final  - (Only one Kata performed - can choose from - Tsuki No Kata, Gekisai Sono IchI, Gekisai Sono Ni, Gekisai Sono San, Saifa, Garyu, Sepai, Seienchin, Bassai, Kanku, Sushiho, Tensho)

Division 10: Open - Yellow Belt & Higher - (40 Years & Over)

  • Final - (Only one Kata performed - can choose from - Tsuki No Kata, Gekisai Sono IchI, Gekisai Sono Ni, Gekisai Sono San, Saifa, Garyu, Sepai, Seienchin, Bassai, Kanku, Sushiho, Tensho)


    Competitors are to perform one Kyokushin Kata of their choice (no weapon kata) with 3 competitors per team.

    Competitors are required to:

    • Follow requirements as listed above for General Kata Divisions
    • Perform Kata in unison from beginning to end (Competitors must begin facing the head table)
    • Demonstrate Bunkai of the Kata they are performed (props or music are not allowed)
    • Maximum allotted time is 5 minutes per team
    • Teams will be scored on
      • Ability to stay in unison
      • Demonstration of Bunkai of Kata
      • Originality of performance
    • Please see link for example
    • ***During competition, the bunkai of kata can be expanded, however no  "dance" or "show boating" will be allowed in team kata***



      Matches vary in length but are usually limited from one to one and a half minutes. Please note there are no draws in the continuous non-contact divisions.


      Though no "points" are actually called during a match, the number of CLEAN DECISIVE TECHNIQUES scored during the match is usually the main determining factor in the decision of the continuous non-contact matches. To be a CLEAN DECISIVE TECHNIQUE the following conditions must apply:

      • An accurate effective and powerful punch, strike or kick must be delivered to a recognized target area. The target areas simply are kicks above the belt level (excluding the back) and strikes with the hands to the body level (excluding the back)
      • The attack must have good form, good attitude, strong vigor, proper timing and adequate distance (usually within 15 - 25 cm) and must have KIai incorporated with it
      • Both competitors must be in the ring
      • The technique must occur during the duration of the match, no techniques will be recognized after Yame is announced
      • The use of Zanshin after a clean decisive technique is encouraged


      Fouls will be given when any prohibited technique is performed. These techniques are:

      • Any attacking technique that makes contact
      • Any attack to the head other than with leg techniques, ie hand techniques directed to the head.
      • Any attack to the head with hiza geri
      • All attacks below the belt level (i.e. groin and legs)
      • All open hand techniques
      • All elbow techniques
      • Any uncontrolled techniques (spinning /360 degrees, forward roll kick)
      • Throwing techniques, grabbing, clinching or body clashing
      • Excessive movement out of the ring or wasting time
      • Striking at a downed opponent (exception is after a sweep with a seine tusk and zanshin)
      • Any un-sportsman like attitudes
      • Any strikes to the back
      • Any attacks with the head (i.e. head butts)
      • Stepping out of bounds while not engaging in match*
      • Not bowing properly (in and out of the ring, during referee commands, or when given an official warning/minus point)
      • Having belt come loose and fall off
      * Mouth guards, head gear, shin pads and gloves are required for all non-contact - provided by the tournament.



        • Children's Divisions
          • 1- 1.5 min
        • Youth Divisions
          • 1.5 - 2 min, No extension
        • Senior Divisions
          • 2 min, No extension
        • Open
          • 2 min, 2 extensions allowed (2 min each); 3 min in Semi-final and Final rounds. If still no decision then decision goes to weight; the lighter participant is given the victory, (if closer than 3 kg) then greatest number of boards broken


        • Excluding the techniques listed as fouls, a thrust, kick, or strike which downs the opponent for less than three seconds or results in the opponent's loss of will to fight, after which time they stands up and resumes the match, scores one half-point
        • Excluding the techniques listed as fouls, a thrust, kick, or strike which downs the opponent for three seconds or longer, or results in the opponent's loss of will to fight scores one full-point
        • Any legal technique that causes the opponent to loose balance enough that they must put both hands on the mat, followed by a reverse punch towards the downed opponent and an immediate proper position that displays ones zanshin may score one half-point
        • In the Senior and Adult divisions:
          • Any clean landing kick to the head (Light contact for Senior) followed by a reverse punch towards the opponent along with a proper Zanshin position and kiai may score one half-point.
          • A clean sweep (opponent must land on back) followed by a reverse punch towards the downed opponent and an immediate proper Zanshin position and kiai may score one half-point
          • A clean sweep (opponent must land on back) followed by a reverse punch that makes contact to the downed opponents body and an immediate proper Zanshin position and kiai may score one full-point
          • *Clean landing kicks and sweeps are at the sole  judgement of the officials
          • Attacking with kick after being swept down is allowed


          • Touching the opponent's neck and face even slightly with a hand or elbow. However, faking to the face is allowed. (Ganmen Ouda)
          • Groin kicks (Kinteki-eno-kogeki)
          • Head thrusts (Zu-tsuki)
          • Attacking the knee joint from the front. (Kensetsu-eno-kogeki)
          • Attacking an opponent who is already down. (taoreta-aite-eno-kogeki)
          • Attacking an opponent back. (Sebone-eno-kogeki)
          • Grabbing or hooking the opponent's neck.(Kake)
          • Grabbing or holding the opponent's uniform (Do-gi), arms, legs or hair. (It must be noted that in the youth, senior and adult divisions, specific hooking of the opponents legs is allowed for sweeping techniques)
          • Repeated intentional pushing of the opponent. (It must be noted that in the youth, senior and adult divisions one push with one hand/elbow/forearm or with both hands is allowed) (Renzoku-shiteno-oshi)
          • Such repeated actions as falling down excessively after throwing a technique or otherwise obvious no-contact techniques suggesting the fighter has lost the will or strength to participate.
          • Being inactive and not throwing any techniques.
          • Displaying manners that would be considered as having a poor attitude towards competition such as spitting, using foul language, and untying the belt or intentionally disrobing.
          • Any other actions that the referees may regard as foul.
          • Stepping out of bounds while not engaged in match (ie fighting back)*
          • Not bowing properly (in and out of the ring, during referee commands, or when given an official warning/minus point)* (Fujuubun-na-rei)
          • Untidy attire, for example, Having belt come loose and fall off* (Chakui-no-midare)

             MODIFIED RULES

            • Children's Divisions
              • No contact with kicks to the head
              • No collar bone strikes.
              • The use of Zanshin is encouraged after an opponent is knocked down or loses the will to fight.
              • Individuals risk immediate disqualification with any kick that makes contact to the head.
            • Youth Divisions (13 - 17)
              • No contact with kicks to the head (individuals risk disqualification with kicks that make contact to the head).No contact with kicks to the head
              • No collar bone strikes
              • No contact with any technique on or below the knee.
              • The use of Zanshin is encouraged after an opponent is knocked down or loses the will to fight. 
              • ​Sweeping (above the knee) is allowed, one push is allowed with either one or both hands.
              • Defending from ground after being swept is allowed with kick (only to legal areas of body)
            • Senior Divisions
              • No contact with any technique on or below the knee
              • Light touch to the head may score half point if followed with Zanshin while excessive contact to the head may result in an immediate disqualification, one push allowed, sweeping allowed, no forward roll kick
            • Open
              • The IKOKC does not allow forward roll kick in competition

              * Mouth guards and groin protection are mandatory for all knockdown divisions.
              * Headgear mandatory for all divisions except the Open division - provided by the tournament.
              * Chest, fist and shin protectors also mandatory for 12 & under division - provided by the tournament.
              * Fist and shin protectors mandatory for Youth & Senior divisions - provided by the tournament.
              ​* Chest protectors are mandatory for females 13 years and older - provided by the tournament

              * Taping of wrists, hands, knuckles or other body parts, without the express permission and okay of Tournament Supreme Judge and director is not permitted.